About this Trip

I started listening to the audio version Craig Johnson's Sheriff Walt Longmire novels and discovered a fascinating character. I think he might be the perfect man. He's been the sheriff of Absaroka County, Wyoming for over two decades. He's a widower (four years now). He was an English major in college--I'm an English professor--we would have much to talk about. I want to meet him (Sheriff Longmire--Walt--but I'd like to meet Craig Johnson as well). I have one slight problem. I don't know what he looks like. I do have this description, however, as Walter looks in his side-view mirror:

It was a handsome right eye, roguish yet debonaire. The right ear was also evident, a handsome ear as ears go, well formed with a disattached lobe. A sideburn had a little gray, just enough for seasoning, and it blended well with the silver-belly hat.

I loaded up my truck (I think he would like that I have a truck) and recently took off for the magic of Wyoming. I'll be listening to his books during my travels. I have to be back for the beginning of the fall semester, unless . . .

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hunter's Thoughts on Sheriff Walt

I know I haven't posted for awhile.  It's been pretty busy.  I did, however, take the time to return to Texas to sign my tenure contract.  Sweet.  While I was there, I had a chance to talk with one my colleagues, Hunter Hayes.  He provides some insights on Wyoming and Walt for me to contemplate.  

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