About this Trip

I started listening to the audio version Craig Johnson's Sheriff Walt Longmire novels and discovered a fascinating character. I think he might be the perfect man. He's been the sheriff of Absaroka County, Wyoming for over two decades. He's a widower (four years now). He was an English major in college--I'm an English professor--we would have much to talk about. I want to meet him (Sheriff Longmire--Walt--but I'd like to meet Craig Johnson as well). I have one slight problem. I don't know what he looks like. I do have this description, however, as Walter looks in his side-view mirror:

It was a handsome right eye, roguish yet debonaire. The right ear was also evident, a handsome ear as ears go, well formed with a disattached lobe. A sideburn had a little gray, just enough for seasoning, and it blended well with the silver-belly hat.

I loaded up my truck (I think he would like that I have a truck) and recently took off for the magic of Wyoming. I'll be listening to his books during my travels. I have to be back for the beginning of the fall semester, unless . . .

Walt's World

  • Vonnie: I don't want to talk about her.  Well, I'll say this.  Even Vic envies her.  She asks Walt, "What do you see in her?  I mean, other than she's beautiful, intelligent, and rich."  I agree with Vic, that it's not fair, and ultimately, "that's bullshit."  I will say no more about her.  Period.
  • Henry Standing Bear: Walt's friend since childhood.  Served in Vietnam together.  Owns the Red Pony Bar and doesn't use contractions.  Hope he likes me.  If Walt had to pick between the two of us, I'm pretty sure he'd go with Henry.
  • Deputy Victoria (Vic) Moretti: Smart, attractive, and in a troubled marriage.  Lives in a double-wide with her no good husband.  I suspect she will be a fine friend.  I'd hate to have her as an enemy.
  • Ruby: The Receptionist/Dispatcher "who keeps the riffraff out of the office."  She also keeps Walt in line.  Someone needs to do so.  But that could be my job.

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